Welcome to my Programming Projects!

Here, you can scroll through the page to see all the work I've done throughout my Software Engineering bootcamp, as well as projects from school.


Catfish Game Project

Cat-Fish is a web-based game, in which the user is playing as a cat who has to catch all the fish on the screen. The user must do so while avoiding all the fruits and vegetables falling from the top of the screen. This game was hult using Vanilla JavaScript, DOM Manipulation, CSS, HTML, and Canvas.

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Home Page

Catfish Game Project

Feed Page

Catfish Game Project

Artstagram is basically a social media platform for artists to share their work and collaborate with other artists. This project was created using JavaScript, Liquid.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, and deployed on heroku.

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Home Page

Catfish Game Project

Lost Pets Page

Catfish Game Project

Find-Furry-Friends was a group project, in which we created a platform to post about lost or found pets. Other people can comment to update about any information.This project was created using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Semantic UI, React.js Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, and deployed on heroku.

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Home Page

Catfish Game Project

Scheduled Events Page

Catfish Game Project

RezKeeper is a personal keeper app to keep track of all the restaurants a user plans to go to and has already been to. This project was created using JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React.js Django, and deployed on vercel.

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Non-deterministic Pushdown Automata C++ Program

Non-deterministic Pushdown Automata Program

This project was to create a C++ Program that determines if the user input string is accepted by the context-free language L = {a^n b^n | n >= 0}".

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© 2022 Michalle Khan.